May 16, 2015, Kansas City, Missouri, USA
MD Alam announced his United States Senate Race.
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MD. Alam (D-MO)
Candidate, United States Senate
MD Alam announced his United States Senate Race.
Alam is a Democrat and enters into the 2016 Missouri Democratic Primary along with Jason Kander for U.S. Senate seat currently incumbent Republican Party U.S. Senator Roy Blunt. Here is the Youtube video for Alam's Candidacy announcement.
Alam is the Founder Chairman of Missouri Democratic Party Asian American Caucus - MDPAAC and currently MDPAAC operates in 26 county chapters. Turn Missouri Blue is one of MDPAAC's state-wide campaign dedicated to bring more democrats to voting polls.
Alam is the National Chair of U.S. National Democratic Party Asian American caucus - NDPAAC.
Alam joined with friends and VFW National Leaderships at the time of his Candidacy Announcement.
MD Alam with National VFW Leaders in Kansas City, MO on May 16, 2015
#DeanWHouse - State Jr. Vice Commander of #Montana, #RonGimondo - State Commander of #Oklahoma, #JohnStroud Sr. Vice Commander of #Nevada , #DaveWilliams , Sr. Vice President, #NewMexico, National VFW.
MD Alam with National VFW Leaders on May 16, 2015 in Kansas City, MO
Courtesy: MD Alam with VFW National Leaderships
David G Pipes, Adjutant, Georgia, S. Kevin Light, Adjutant, West Virginia, Steve Organ, Sr. Vice President, Mississippi, Juan M. Palacios, Sr. Vice President, Oregon
Courtesy: MD Alam Facebook & MD Alam Twitter
More information about MD Alam on Ballotpedia