"Missourians for Alam in 2016: Show Me State"

Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Truth about 9/11 Tragedy. President Bush Covered up the 9/11 from American People and from the World – MD Alam

MD Alam for U.S. Seante – 2016: The Truth about 9/11 Tragedy. President Bush Covered up the 9/11 from American People and from the World – MD Alam

MD Alam for U.S. Senate: When a Government Commit a Crime by creating Conspiracy against it People that is Classified and when people talk about it, it’s labeled as Conspiracy Theory – “MD Alam, Candidate, United States Senate – 2016″
[MD Alam, MD. Rabbi Alam, Candidate, U.S. Senate – 2016]
Senator Bob Graham of Florida dropped bombshell on 9/11. Senator from Florida asked the 9/11 Commission to RELEASE /DECLASSIFY 28 Pages of documents that were covered up with President Bush’s Executive Order followed by President’s Obama’s Executive order. Senator Bob Graham was threaten by FBI “You are walking on a Dead Zone and go get a life”.

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