Picture: MD Alam for 'Missouri Secretary of State Campaign Logo' - 2012
First Immigrant ever to run for “Missouri Secretary of State” : MD Rabbi Alam
Alam served as Executive Secretary of Santa Fee Elementary PTA in Kansas City . Alam was President of Board of directors of Loma Vista west.
Alam is the CEO of Minority Directed Small Business. Alam served in Kansas City
Property Maintenance Appeal Board as a Board Member. Alam is a Board member of
The Kansas City News. Alam is the President of Urban American Academy school
board. Currently Alam teaches at Derrick Thomas Picture: MD Rabbi Alam for Missouri Secretary of State - 2012. Academy in Kansas
City .
Alam is a
veteran of Iraq war.
During 2008 Presidential election Alam worked as satellite campaign manager for Obama in
After graduating high school Alam attended National
University and earned first BS in Biology in ‘96. While attending National
University , Alam became one of youngest National student leaders in Bangladesh . Alam became the Presidential Delegate of Bangladesh in
1992. Alam’s student Politics & such high scale political involvement
inspired him earning his 2nd BA in Political Science from National
University in ‘97.
Alam was very active within the Army Community Services, Family Readiness Groups and Army Community Ethnic Enrichment Programs. Alam was highly motivated & and was honorably discharged. 2005 Alam finished 1st Graduate Degree MS in Military science. In ‘07 Alam earned 2nd Graduate degree in Computer Information System. In ‘10 Alam earned 3rd Graduate Degree 'MA in Mathematics' and 'High School Mathematics Teacher Certification'. Currently Alam is working on PhD in Computer Information at
Alam’s top 3 priorities * Digital Missouri * Go Green and *Accessible Information.
Alam was the first politician predicted President Obama’s Nobel Peace prize.
Picture: MD Rabbi Alam, Sergeant US Army: Candidate Missouri Seretary of State - 2012
MD Rabbi Alam
Missouri Secretary of State
Email: mdpaac@mdpaac.org
Website: www.md4mo.org
Cell: (816) 372-1873
Picture: MD Rabbi Alam: Candidate Missouri Secretary of State
- 2012; Meeting at the White House
Picture: MD Rabbi Alam Candidate Missouri Secretary of State (2012)
with Missouri Current 38th Secretary of State Robin Carnahan
Picture: MD Alam for Missouri Secretary of State, Top Left with United States Vice President
Joseph Biden, Middle with the Community and Right Top - In a Fox Hole in Iraq during Iraq War.
Campaign Speech: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lTgz294pSU